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Mega Sena 2110 Result: 31/12/2018

The Mega Sena result for Draw 2110 from Monday 31/12/2018 is shown below. You can see the six winning numbers to find out how many you matched.

  • 5
  • 10
  • 12
  • 18
  • 25
  • 33
Jackpot Winning Location(s)
Adamantina, Guarujá, Pedreira, Praia Grande, Ribeirão Preto, Bernardo Do Campo, Votorantim e São Paulo, São Paulo
Angra Dos Reis, Barra Do Piraí, Nova Iguaçu, Santo Antônio De Pádua e Rio De Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Euclides da Cunha, Simoes Filho, Feira de Santana, Mata de São João, Salvador e Valença, Bahia
Alfenas, Belo Horizonte, Divinópolis, Martinho Campos e São Sebastião Do Paraíso, Minas Gerais
Corumbá, Costa Rica e Coxim, Mato Grosso do Sul
Campo Mourão e Curitiba, Paraná
Almeirim e Itaituba, Pará
Bela Vista De Goiás e Jataí, Goiás
Pedreiras e São Luís, Maranhão
Cuiabá, Mato Grosso
João Pessoa, Paraíba
Várzea Alegre, Ceará
Brasília, Distrito Federal
Rio Branco, Acre
Manaus, Amazonas
Lagoa Do Itaenga, Pernambuco
Blumenau, Santa Catarina

This was a special 0/5 draw. The jackpot was R$302,536,382.72, and contained R$135,838,889.05 that was carried over from the previous draw. Find out whether the jackpot was won or rolled over to the next draw.

This was a special Mega Week draw. The jackpot was R$302,536,382.72, and contained R$135,838,889.05 that was carried over from the previous draw. Find out whether the jackpot was won or rolled over to the next draw.

Prize Breakdown

Prize Breakdown

View the prizes below to find out how much was won and the number of winners in each category. In total, 311,597 players across Brazil won a prize (including 52 jackpot winners), which means that the average prize amount won was R$1,369.

Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Total Winners Prize Fund
Balls Match 6 R$5,818,007.36 52 R$302,536,382.72
Balls Match 5 R$6,644.73 7,688 R$51,084,684.24
Balls Match 4 R$240.17 303,857 R$72,977,335.69
Totals - 311,597 R$426,598,402.65

Prize Winners in each State/Federal District

Discover how many prizes were won where you live. The table below shows a breakdown of all the winners in Brazil by state.

State / Federal District Match 6 Winners Total
Acre 1 1
Amazonas 1 1
Bahia 8 8
Ceará 1 1
Distrito Federal 1 1
Goiás 2 2
Maranhão 2 2
Mato Grosso 1 1
Mato Grosso do Sul 3 3
Minas Gerais 7 7
Pará 2 2
Paraíba 1 1
Paraná 2 2
Pernambuco 1 1
Rio de Janeiro 8 8
Santa Catarina 1 1
São Paulo 10 10
Totals 52 52